





Nice to meet you!

My name is Robin Channing!The mind bender.

If time permits, here's a little info about me.

"The canvas is our props. The paint is our secret arts. The picture is the illusion. And the wonder and inspiration felt in the imaginations and hearts of those watching is the magic itself."

-Robin Channing




Robin Channing is one of the finest magicians in the world today. He is a premiere close-up performer and stunning stage performer. His unique blend of mind-blowing magic and mentalism with contact juggling has left countless audiences breathless and astounded. Robin Channing's captivating magic keeps him in constant demand at VIP events, corporate events and private parties.


Robin Channing is a three-time winner of the Merlin Award, the most prestigious award given in the world of magic, by the International Magicians Society.


Robin Channing has his Doctor of Magic Degree and he's a certified magic teacher who teaches professional magicians advanced level magic.


Since 2000, Robin Channing has been the exclusive magician for the American Society of Master Dental Technology.


Since 2002, Robin Channing has performed for the American Society of Master Dental Technologists' annual parties and national conventions in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles.

So...who's minds have I bent?

Robin Channing had the chance to entertain some legends of film and screen including The Avenger's stars Paul Rudd (L), Tom Hiddelston (C) and Pee-Wee Herman himself, Paul Reubens (R).

book Robin Channing for your event!

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